Pierwsza europejska konferencja “Konstrukcje podatne z blach falistych w budownictwie drogowym i mostowym” odbyła się w Rydzynie w dniach 23-24.04.2007.
Udział w konferencji wzięło ponad 200 uczestników z 19 krajów świata.
Przedstawione zostały następujące referaty:
- Baidar BAKHT
Evolution of the design methods for soil-metal structures in Canada - Timothy J. McGrath
Calibration of Simplified Design Concepts for Long-Span Metal Culverts - Esra Bayoğlu Flener, Håkan Sundquist
Field testing of a long-span arch corrugated-steel culvert under dynamic and static loads - Esra Bayoğlu Flener, Håkan Sundquist
Full-scale testing of two corrugated steel box culverts with different crown stiffness - Barbara BEDNAREK, Adam CZEREPAK
Animal crossing made of corrugated steel plate structures built over A2 motorway in Poland - Adam CZEREPAK, Piotr TOMALA, Adam WYSOKOWSKI
Comparison of test and calculation results of corrugated steel plate box structure MP150 - Derek ESSERY, Kevin WILLIAMS
Buried flexible steel structures with wire mesh reinforcement for cut plates - Leszek JANUSZ
Application of multi-criteria optimization methods in choosing material solutions for construction of flexible steel culverts - Leszek JANUSZ, Oleg KAPLIŃSKI
Predicting costs of assembly of buries flexible structures - Leszek JANUSZ, Arkadiusz MADAJ, Krzysztof STURZBECHER
Railway grade separation made of corrugated steel plate structure – long term research - Seung-kwon JEUN, Jong-hwa RHEE
An experimental verification of the improved bolting arrangement - Pauli KUKKONEN
Expected service life analysis of steel culverts in Finland - Jong Ku LEE, Dong HO CHOI, Tae YANG YOON
Seam strength of corrugated steel plate with high strength steel - Czesław Machelski, Grzegorz Antoniszyn, Leszek Janusz
Evaluation of simplifications of 2D models of soil-steel shell bridges - Czesław MACHELSKI, Jakub MARCINOWSKI
Numerical modelling of moving load effect in a soil-steel bridge - Czesław MACHELSKI, Jan Bernard MICHALSKI, Bernard MICHALSKI
Case study of steel shell structure supported on piles - Arkadiusz MADAJ, Barbara BEDNAREK
Technological stresses in helically corrugated steel pipes and pipe-arches - Hans-Åke MATTSSON, Håkan SUNDQUIST
The real service life and repair methods of steel pipe culverts in Sweden - Lars PETTERSSON, Håkan SUNDQUIST
Development of the Swedish handbook for buried flexible culverts - Roman ŠAFÁŘ, Jaromír ZOUHAR
Load test of helically corrugated pipe-arch under railway - Waldemar St. SZAJNA
Numerical model for the analysis of construction process of soil-steel culverts - Piotr TOMALA, Krzysztof MARKOWICZ, Bogdan BRESCH
Elements of the design process of the flexible steel arch over double track electrified railway - Jan VASLESTAD, Bartlomiej KUNECKI, Tor Helge JOHANSEN
Twenty one years of earth pressure measurements on buried flexible steel structure - Kevin WHITE, Shad SARGAND, Teruhisa MASADA
Laboratory and numerical investigations of large-diameter structural plate steel pipe culvert behavior - Adam WYSOKOWSKI, Justyna GÓRNA, Michał MOŃKA, Piotr TOMALA
Comperative full scale tests of behaviour of corrugated steel arch structure placed on corrugated flexible foundations and rigid concrete foundations - Adam WYSOKOWSKI, Leszek JANUSZ
General conclusions based on the testing of various types of corrugated flexible structures in laboratory in natural scale - Adam WYSOKOWSKI, Anna STASZCZUK, Barbara BEDNAREK
Decrease of negative impact of transport infrastructure investments on natural migration of the wild animals - Andrzej ZACHWIEJA, Arkadiusz BUREK, Dariusz SOBALA
As fast as possible. An example of a quick reconstruction of a bridge in difficult atmospheric conditions