Exchange of knowledge and experience from past years concering buried flexible steel structures used in civil engineering.
Key topics
- Large span buried corrugated steel bridges (Soil-Steel Composite Bridges). Practical examples of applications based on case studies. Construction and Design – the latest achievements.
- Sustainability and Resilience of Soil-Steel Composite Bridges including environmental footprint.
Detailed topics
- Practical construction and design solutions and techniques documented through case studies.
- Research and development related to buried flexible steel structures – theory and practise.
- Standardization of buried flexible steel structures.
- Geotechnical aspects in design and construction.
- Lifetime design and the latest durability findings and solutions.
- Value engineering – applications.
- New technological developments.
- Long-term behaviour of buried flexible steel structures in service.
- Resilience and environmental impact of buried flexible steel structures in the life cycle.
Answers to the following questions
- What are the current limits in spans, sizes, corrugations and connections between plates?
- What technical possibilities result from the latest tests and developments?
- What are the new areas of applications?
- Creation of Eurocode foundations for buried flexible steel structures. What does it take to make it?
- What is the influence of fatigue on capacity and durability of buried flexible steel structures?
- Sharing of the best construction practises and most spectacular projects from around the world. Can soil-steel composite bridges be beautiful?
- What are the sustainable development features of buried flexible structures within their life cycle?
- What is the resilience of buried flexible steel structures?